Monthly Archives: June 2013

The Reintegrators Giveaway

You can enter to win one of three paperback copies of The Reintegrators here. Nothing required to enter other than a Goodreads account. And just to prove that I’m for real, here are the goods in question, ready to be shipped out to the winners:


Update: the giveaway has ended and the books have been shipped. Thanks so much to everyone who entered; the interest was far beyond my expectations, with over 650 people signing up. Clearly with that kind of demand, I’ll need to do another one of these in the near future. Stay tuned…

How I Chose My Amazon Keywords

Note: super-wonky book marketing post coming, likely only of interest to independent authors or publishers. You were warned.

During the process of preparing The Reintegrators for publication, I did more research into things like keyword selection than I had with my previous, shorter works. Since the info on how to choose keywords online is somewhat fragmented/incomplete/not targeted toward authors, I thought I’d put together a little to what I did, so that others can benefit or tell me what they think I’m doing wrong.

Continue reading How I Chose My Amazon Keywords