Monthly Archives: July 2014

Mid-Summer Update

Random news items:

  • I finished polishing Aetheria’s Daemon! Hooray! I can officially say I’ve written a 500+ page novel, and no matter what ends up happening with it, that still comes with a nice sense of accomplishment.
  • I have two short stories finished and critiqued which could both theoretically be given a final draft and then sent around. I’m not in a particular rush to do this as I feel that writing more novels is what will help me accomplish my goals the fastest. Shorts can be a fun diversion, but they eat up time like crazy which could be better spent on…
  • …a new novel project, tentatively titled Core Immersion. It’s sort of a post-apocalyptic meets cyberpunk. Outline is done, and I’m six chapters into the first draft as I write this. Aiming for around 100k words total, and since I know where I’m going with it (unlike when I started Aetheria’s Daemon), I’m hoping I will be able to get it done relatively quickly.
  • Since WorldCon is in London this year and that’s a bit out of my price/time range for travel, I’m going to be at DragonCon on August 29-31st. Yes, there is NASFiC of course, but for me it’s just a lot easier logistically and financially to go to Atlanta than Detroit. I’ve never been to DragonCon before, so hopefully it will be a fun and productive weekend.

Stay frosty.